astrocartography software. iPhone. astrocartography software

 iPhoneastrocartography software  relation of mapping to natal chart construction and meaning

Many years after Astro*Carto*Graphy was developed, some software makers decided to allow astrologers to create maps using Zodiacal, as. Free Astrology Online Calculator Sag Ari Sag Lib Sco Tau Pis Tau Pis Cap Ari Ari Vir AriAstro*Carto*Graphy Explained Professional Report Software . Astrocartography Software. Select the required File Type from the Chart Type to Save Into dropdownlist box. For A*C*G lines, you want to stay within 600 miles to feel the effect of a natal line. In writing at. Latitude. Built in Oracle. There will be a Q&A. We've just raised the bar several notches higher. By email from our contact page. Verified for all versions of Windows from XP to 8. Sky-Watcher EQ6-R Pro (Same thing as the Atlas II and vice versa) Orion Atlas EQ-G. 26 Between your worksheets number 1 and 2, one can see three different "Planetary Information" tables, but when you left click on an open space on them all the three appear in the menu of tables under the exact same. This is unique to Janus. Awakenings Astrocartography and Relocation Astrology Description. Parashara's Light. AstroMatrix is an all-in-one Astrology app for the Modern-day Astrologer. With high-quality horoscope interpretations by the world's leading astrologers Liz Greene, Robert Hand and other authors, many free horoscopes and extensive information on astrology for beginners and professionals, is the first. Simply the best available Vedic Astrology software trusted by experts and students everywhere. 90 $ 25. When selecting the best place to live, consult your astrocartography map and look along the best Planetary Lines. You can zoom in on any area for tight precision. e. Hi causticx, it's because of 2 different methods of astrocartography calculation: including latitude (original Astro * Carto * Graphy method; default option on astro. About Solar Fire. Get it as soon as Thursday, Aug 10. Astrology astrocartography astro determine place map live locality using software reviews chart satellite maps elephant journal published bi wheel passage. ZET Astrology Software. Astrocartography. Big Rapids, MI 49307 (231) 527-2603. Your map tells you: Your best travel locations. Simply the best available Vedic Astrology software trusted by experts and students everywhere. All the various classic systems of house division (e. Full interpretative reports, forecast-lines, world atlas, time zones, Local Space maps, Geodetic, etc. Best for Horoscopes: The Daily Horoscope. ” Dell Horoscope. It is solely for (serious) astrocartography. (called astrocartography). Create a local map on the AstroForYou service - we have collected all the best from the world of astrology! Here you can calculate a local chart by date of birth and choose the best city where to live. Win*Writer Express Personal Programs are designed for students, amateur astrologers, non-astrologers—and others, who want to create useful astrological reports for themselves, their friends, and their families. You can start with free online software to see parans and relocated charts. 1. Janus is another astrology software developed by Astrology house New Zealand since the 1980s and is widelY trusted by many professionals. (The default house system is Placidus). Astro*Gold is the best software option for Mac. Astrocartography is like a magic compass, skillfully directing you toward places where happiness, success, and the life of your dreams await. Earlier versions brought an unprecedented level of ease to casting and working with astrological charts. Layout recommended for Solar Fire V9 software users. Astrocartography Is the Key to Planning Dream Vacations and Making Fulfilling Moves. When you input your date, time and location of birth into Astro Dienst’s astrocartography chart calculator, you will be shown your astrocartography map. Sirius is by far the most comprehensive astrology software in the world. the ecliptic. How to Read an Astrocartography Chart. Thanks for that, it does have a nice rating system. 100% accurate free software to get your planetary nakshatras and zodiac signs. A powerful Electional Search module for scanning time for a wide range of astrological configurations. Personally, I love using Astro Gold software for looking at transits, synastry as well as annual profections and zodiacal releasing periods, but to find your for free, you can do the following:. even minor details like asteroids, minor aspects, paran lines, local space, etc. You are the center of your life. The Horizons: Relocation report interprets the signs on the angles of the relocation chart, planets on the angles, paran latitude lines, and current transits and progressions to the relocation chart. Known for. An illustration of two photographs. An illustration of two photographs. Are they powerful as planetary lines or they are just minor lines like harmonious and disharmonious aspects in the Astrocartography map. An illustration of text ellipses. 00 – 19:00 UTC +1 | Delivery: 4 x 2-hour online Zoom workshops. 1. Then select from ‘Free Horoscopes’ from the dropdown menu along the top. Astrocartography is used to see and predict where in the world certain energies will arise to the surface. In my 7 year of obsessive research into AstroCartoGraphy, I have studied many charts of successful, rich, famous people like some celebrities who neither were born on a line or live on a line. He has engineering degrees from IIT, Madras/Chennai and Rice University, Houston. For example, a Jupiter on DC line would be a place where your natal placements shift so that your Jupiter is on the Descendant. Here are the steps to using a Vedic calculator: Enter your birth date, time, and location information. Astrology Software that runs anywhere: Desktop/Laptops: Mac, Windows, Linux, Unix Tablets: Apple iPads, Android (such as Galaxy, ZenPad, Nexus, etc), MS (MS Surface, Dell Canvas, etc) Smartphones: iPhones, Android. Subscriptions will remove all Advertising. I’ll be showing sample charts of famous people who have relocated. Aspect Search Engine. StarWise 3-D astrology lets you understand yourself and your life much better than all other methods. billion views, but it isn’t easy to decipher at first glance. astrokartographie software 07Nov. parentNode. The Ultimate Locational Report Software! The most powerful tool available to help you maximize your opportunities and use all of the astrological influences around you to your advantage. iPad. AstroGraph Software. 35. Each of these lines represents a specific planetary influence you’ll feel manifesting in a specific area of your. Optional: Element colors (Air & Earth)Astrocartography or "relocation Astrology" can show how your life is affected by being on different locations in the world: Astrology is based upon both the time as well as place of birth. All necessary corrections for time zone or daylight saving time are applied by the computer. The line of the Sun is closely associated with self-realization, recognition, and success. In 2019, writer and astrologer Jaime Wright moved to a place she considered an astrologically “bad idea” — Los Angeles. These Interactive AstroCartoGraphy World Maps let you look any where in the world and easily see your. Urania is Professional Astrological Program for Everyone. Otherwise, save the pages and attach the PDF to your web mail email (Gmail, etc. Some common chart patterns include: Yod, t-square, stellium, rectangle, grand-cross, grand trine, castle, Star of David, and many more. It is designed both for phone and tablet sized devices. Astromaping astrocartography location astrology and Astrocartography relocation chart – dr. Longitude. With this techinique created by Jim Lewis, we can understand how each destination affects us. Professional Astrocartographer, Stephen Byers, explains the secrets behind his success in finding "Paradise" for thousands of clients since 1975. Tremendous research features. These four cusps are also called your Ascendant, Descendant, Midheaven (MC) and IC. Marc Edmund Jones Award (1978) Regulus Award (1992) Jim Lewis (born James Lewis Slayden; June 5, 1941 in Yonkers, New York) was an American astrologer, writer and entrepreneur. I am delighted to be running a free webinar this Tuesday 21st June, Solstice Day, on the astrocartography of Venus Pluto lines. Images. Astrophotography resources include software, plugins, websites, and generally great information that can take your skills to the next level. Your astrology program is miscalculating charts. Design your own screens with freely sizable charts and tables, images and background graphics. Once you enter your information, the calculator will generate a personalized birth chart or horoscope. 2) without latitude (aka: ecliptic zodiacal projection; all planet ASC/DSC lines meet at single point; default option on astro-seek. President Obama’s power lines, which pass near Chicago and Washington D. Compare your ecliptic and right ascension views of your the charts and reports. g. It is now available in three versions: Standard, Extended, and Professional. Astrocartography can tell you about all aspects of your life. Enter astrocartography, a relatively recent study in an eon-spanning tradition, which projects the aspects of your birth chart onto the map of planet Earth, casting the influence of Venus, Saturn. (in order of popularity/capability) : Solar Maps by Esoteric Technologies/Lehman Assoc - $199. When she decided to sell her company and her home, she consulted White, who turned her on to astrocartography. 200-350 miles is about the same as 4-6 degrees distance away and 350-500ish miles. By email from our contact page. I’ll also be covering Solar Fire and explaining why it is the best astrocartography software out there. Download Kala Vedic Astrology Software: 254. Personalized Astrological Influences. Paran lines. About iPhemeris Astrology Software for Mac. astrology program - free astrological software - individual horoscope - personal horoscope. Astrologer Madalyn Hillis-Dineen explains that understanding your natal chart as it relates to astrocartography. Cost: $900. | astroPeregrineAn Astrocartography map shows lines of "potential cosmic energy" on a worldwide map. Maps of. Personal Events impacting your chart. com and select the AstroClick Travel chart. It is solely for (serious) astrocartography. Astrocartography, also known as "relocation astrology" or the "astrology of place," is a discipline of astrology. With astrocartography, you'll get a guide map to the world, identifying places where you'll thrive, where things will feel easy, and where you can truly feel alive. This page will use the maps for well-known. DIY Software: Books: Articles: Buy Maps: Astro*Carto*Graphy Map . Astrocartography Collected Sources. Download my FREE astrocartography tips guide here - to dive deep? You can learn locational astrology in my 7 week ONLINE COURSE (. Also, the best astronomical engines are built for PCs and so better astrology software is avialble for PCs than for Macs, so while Macs have some advantages in some fields, for astrology, PC is a much better choice. AstroApp supports several Astrological Maps. These four cusps are also called your Ascendant, Descendant, Midheaven (MC) and IC. By phone available 9 AM - 5 PM Pacific Time at (831) 425-6548. Share to Twitter. com) vs. 00. An illustration of text ellipses. SAC10™ – Version 1. Select the required Drive. . Shopping Cart. - the Medium Coeli (MC) changes. Images. iPhemeris is the best Astrology Software for Mac (MacOS). Most accurate Dashas and most Dashas. The biggest astrocartography software suppliers are. Being on the line of the Sun, you put your interests, aspirations, and desires first. To interpret an astrocartography chart, follow these steps: Enter your birth date, time, and location into a reliable astrocartography chart calculator, such as Astro Dienst’s tool. When Astrocartography was devised, Michel Gauquelin was studying conjunctions to angles and this was big news at the time. 0. It’s designed for both novice and expert astrologers and makes it easy to quickly produce. The astro-carto-graphy book of maps : the astrology of relocation : how 136 famous people found their placesStarWise's success in helping so many people improve their lives is due in large part to the use of advanced astrology and astrocartography software programs, including a unique 3-D astrology analysis and forecast system, developed exclusively for StarWise by its founder, Stephen Byers. 7v) The latest version is awesome. . Take the guesswork out of your life and get to know your personality and strengths at an astrological level. L2-L4 sub-periods. Having your chart read can also give you insight when making big decisions about your career, your love life, or relationships. Get the very best –. Narasimha Rao. . USA. Call 603-734-4300 to inquire about a printed version. Our Kundli software can help you predict the future for yourself by reading the birth chart. PC SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS: 3000 Megabytes of Hard Disk free space. Astro. Insert this information into a birth chart calculator to generate your. Astro App does not have to be installed or maintained. 35 per package - Virtual OK - Posted Oct 22, 2017. It does all types of Astrology charting and includes: Ephemeris Tables, Astrological Calendars, Moon & Eclipse tables, Sky Now real-time chart of the Sky, and can display Tropical, Sidereal, Topocentric or Heliocentric charts and Ephemeris tables. 13) The latest version is awesome. COM offers a lot of free features on the subject. Your astrology program is miscalculating charts. Astrology Software and Professional Astrology Programs, Reports, Books, Gifts, Jewelry, Education, Services by Astrolabe Inc. Astrocartography is one of several methods of locational astrology, which claims to identify varying life conditions through differences in location. 0 includes Searches, performed by the new. Setting up your telescope with Stellarium is very easy: simply open the Telescope plugin, connect your mount via ASCOM, and you’re good to go! From there, all you simply need to do is. For the sake of clarity, I will call this technique Astro*Carto*Graphy in this article. Best Astrology Apps. RECOMMENDED ASTROCARTOGRAPHY SOFTWARE Let's be software twins! Get my favorite software Solar Maps on Solar Fire for astrocartography here and. Janus doesn’t include over the top features or stand out tools that make it a great contender , but the software is made to be reliable and stable through all your needs. Get your free horoscope - and much more! Astrodienst AG in Zürich, Switzerland provides the world's best astrology site for free horoscopes, professional astrological reports and information about astrology. Our huge database creates in-depth & comprehensive reports on every aspect of your horoscope. READ DESCRIPTION before purchasing. Melia #11 akirafist said:. Locational astrology is a relatively recent development in the astrological tradition, and during the course of the episode we talk about how it was developed in the 20th century and some of the different ways that Moses uses it with clients in order to help them find an optimal place to live. The calculation is based on the ecliptic points of projection of the planets. Astro*Gold. Seek personal growth opportunities aligned with your astrocartographical influences. 10820. It can give you a fresh perspective on places to visit or to add to your bucket list. 45. Santa Cruz, CA 95060. Saturn. Regulus Platinum. We are shifting our reports to email versions only. It has everything: geodetic lines, paran lines, local space, Cyclocartography (timing your travels using transits and progressions) and so much more! If you’d like to be software twins and get Solar Fire for your locational astrology work, use my code “Woods15” for 15% off! I got a little. Category: Personal and Home. in conjunction with an axis at any particular point in time, by referring to a special map of the world. The right software and tools can save you from unnecessary headaches, and help you enjoy the art of astrophotography on new levels. relation of mapping to natal chart construction and meaning. Astrocartography, or relocation astrology, is a tool used by astrologers to map out geographical locations that support your hopes and goals. Display chart patterns. If you have a symbol within this location look up the meaning below. Simply enter your date, time, and location of birth and TimePassages instantly creates a chart for you. . But this entirely depends on your unique chart and the nature of those planets housed in those signs. Create your free birth, synastry, composite, transits, celebrity charts. 2) You should be able to click on any map point and see the relocation chart for this place. In his booklet, Astro-Carto-Graphy(1976), he gives a brief but concise introduction on the subject, followed by a planet by planet description on each of the four cardinal angles of the locality birthchart. The Pluto Line will be represented by a line running through different locations on the map, indicating the areas of life where Pluto’s energy is most strongly felt. Your astromap will show you where all the planets were at different points on the map at the exact time you were born. Astrocartography shows up as a visual guide, a map of the world with lines for each planet drawn on top. 00 fee to order and prep your A*C*G Map. Then locate a place you’ve lived. It is used for generating charts and reports when no other entries have been specifically selected. Seek personal growth opportunities aligned with your astrocartographical influences. Enter the day, date, month, and year of birth. Around this time astrologers were focusing on these conjunctions to angles and ignoring other chart factors due to the nature of Gauquelin's research. Local Space and Astrocartography Maps. and astrocartography Bookreader Item Preview remove-circle Share or Embed This Item. Offers a subscription plan with a collection of photos. iPhone. Hello guys, I am just curious about this! :) Because some astrologers or astrocartographers consider "paran lines" in their astrocartography. If you’re equal parts intrigued and confused, keep reading. AI (Artificial intelligence) search for positive and negative reactions in press, happy and sad faces recognition on ACG and Geodetic astro maps. These four cusps are also called your Ascendant, Descendant, Midheaven (MC) and IC. Cost: $110. for Marilyn Monroe, 1 June 1926, 9:30 am, Los Angeles, CA (US) This page is one of many thousand pages at Astrodienst's website. I am using astrology-seek and it provides a free online tool for generating and interpreting astrocartography maps. How to use astrocartography. (Not yet invented) This Astrocartography Chart Software creates charts based on your natal data for your birth city and a second relocated city. To. Zoom in to much greater precision of coastlines and lakes. 9. In Astrocartography, the real positions of the planets on the sky are used, not just their ecliptic points like in a normal chart. DIY Software: Books: Articles: Buy Maps: Astro*Carto*Graphy Map . English Contact Additional Information Related DomainsAstrocartography, aka Astro*Carto*Graphy (A*C*G), is a relatively new and exciting zenith astrology concept founded by Astrologer Jim Lewis in the 1940s. The first payment of $450 is due at the time of booking. Orion first autoguider, without ASCOM. For example, the Equinoquel Reference for the transition of the Sun to Aries is characterized by a great deal of drifting. What steps do I. Planetary line themes in astrocartography Book Your Astrocartography Chart Reading. RECOMMENDED ASTROCARTOGRAPHY SOFTWARELet's be software twins! Get my favorite software Solar Maps on Solar Fire for astrocartography here and get 15% off usi. More An icon used to represent a menu that can be toggled by interacting with this icon. 9. com. Accurate Birth Charts. Various ACG-style linemaps. 95 . com ‘, you can access. I know first hand what its like to live on challenging planetMost Interactive: Sanctuary. Their original A*C*G maps are very similar: you get an 11" x 17" world map, a 48-page booklet by Jim Lewis. The time must be given in wrist watch time, as it would have been shown on a normal person's wrist watch at the place of the birth event. This page is one of many thousand pages at Astrodienst's website. 3) You should be able to filter one particular planet and see the ASC & MC positions along this planet's lines. 00. Please select the hour of birth in the hour field, and enter the minute (between 00 and 59) in the minute field. Placidus) attempt to define a single zodiac position. Free Horoscopes. This software is absolutely free, available on Windows, Mac, and Linux operating systems, there’s mobile apps for both Android and iOS devices, and even a web version. Ephemeris Search Engine. Astrocartography is a discipline of Astrology (it's also known as Relocation Astrology) where your birth chart, which can predict a surprising amount of information about the direction and events of your life as well as your personality, is mapped against the world. Neptune. Planet glyphs - Black/Colored. For example, when I measured the distance from London to my Sun line, it showed 113 miles, well within the orb of influence. Astrocartography is essentially the study of how astrology plays into the energies of specific locations. 45. Astro*Carto*Graphy Locality Interpretation for Russell Crowe at Los Angeles, CA This sample report compliments of: Matrix Software 126 S. También puedes comprar un software especial para generar un mapa astrocartográfico, o consultar a un astrólogo profesional especializado en astrología locacional. Astrocartography, colour drawing, with lines positioning Chiron and the Moon's Nodes. 5 Astrograph Software, Inc. Online Astrology Software. We will revise this website when the app is updated to work with Android v10 or greater. The gold-standard in accuracy. In the 1990s, Matrix Win*Maps broke new ground for astrologers, giving them the ability to offer their clients and customers enhanced relocation counseling; this program quickly became an essential tool for anyone serious about. Calculating the distance can be challenging with free software, but programs like Astrogold allow you to measure it. Astro*Carto*Graphy was an experimental technique in the 70’s but has been validated by thousands of people since then. Save your charts & read full description - Join Us! Open Chart. In order to do that you'll need your birth date, time, and location. The more challenging lines in astrocartography are: Mars. 1. To get your astrocartography map, you can consult with a professional astrologer, such as MacIntyre, or use an online tool, such as astro. Astrocartography Reading (2 People) 1 hour 30 minutes @ $450. Highest accuracy. A powerful Electional Search module for scanning time for a wide range of astrological configurations. Locate Your Birthplace, Date, and Time - Your birthplace, date, and time is the starting point for reading your astrocartography map. The software will then calculate your charts and reports for your examination. This ancient Hellenistic timing technique divides a person's entire life into chapters and paragraphs as if your life was a biography. This astrology program for Windows was first produced in 1992 and has been expanding ever since to become a world leader. It may seem confusing until you look deeper into this interesting form of determining where you should travel or leave (among other things). Thank you!Astrocartography is the study of energetic influences and how they specifically apply to you based on your geographic location. Be warned: the map looks overwhelming at first, but through time and practice, interpreting it will become less elusive. Hi there! I’m Amanda and I’m a Locational Astrologer specializing in travel, relocation, Astro-herbalism and creative coaching, and I am now offering Astrocartography readings! I’ve been studying astrology and Astrocartography since 2020. Step 3. Best tools for elections (Muhurta), Prashna/Query (KP, Prashna Marga and. Mundane Events impacting everyone. Easy,. Free Charts, Calculations and Data. 1; 2; First Prev 2 of 2Learn how to use the AstroClick Travel tool for #Astrocartography in a minute!🔮 Astro. Learn how to use Solar Fire 9, the powerful astrology software, with this comprehensive and easy-to-follow user guide. You will only find some interpretations right now (many of the major factors, such as Sun, Moon, Ascendant, Mercury, and Venus in signs and. Best feature is the “treasure map” option though. Being on the line of the Sun, you put your interests, aspirations, and desires first. When multiple lines are together, they tell a deeper story. The software will then calculate your charts and reports for your examination. ZET v. Get telegram-bot forecast. Venus + Jupiter paran lines. The lines show where the Sun, Moon and planets are conjunct the cusps (beginning) of your four angular houses in your relocated natal charts (RNC). AstroApp is unique as it does not require. There will be a Q&A. Wednesday, April 20, 2022. . Includes a colorful biwheel chart with complete interpretations. When having difficulties try using the Nova format. In addition, ephemeris for 9000 years are available, created with Swiss Ephemeris - the worldwide standard. For more exact information on the effects of a place a thorough analysis of a Prashna Chart is still necessary, but the Astrocartography maps can help us in finding good places faster. Being aware of astrocartography (the relatively. Local Space Astro Maps (using classical method and the method of Rhumb lines). Art Wheel on Android (landscape mode) Art Wheels on Android (landscape mode) AstroCartography on Android (landscape mode) Deep Sky module on Android (landscape mode) Medical Astrology on Android (landscape mode)Natal Chart - Custom Graphic Layout. Please note. The entire field of astrology mapping is now called "astrocartography," and includes locational astrology, A*C*G maps, geomancy, fung shui, and Astro*Cyclo*Graphy maps. Read astrology maps and relocated charts with ease so you can build a thriving astrocartography business from anywhere in the world. MAP PROVIDERS. 90 minute travel and relocation astrology reading where I walk you through the best and most supportive places for you and one other person in the world based on your natal chart and astrocartography map using my professional software. See the Celebrity Examples showing key differences revealed with 3-D astrology. 2) without latitude (aka: ecliptic zodiacal projection; all planet ASC/DSC lines meet at single point; default option on astro-seek. Local Space Astro Maps (using classical method and the method of Rhumb lines). O nce Jim Lewis unveiled his revolutionary astrological map, it didn't take long for other software developers to jump in. Its Astro Carto Graphy makes for easy interpretation of. The lines show where the Sun, Moon and planets are conjunct the cusps (beginning) of your four angular houses in your relocated natal charts (RNC). 5 Signs for Finding Home in the World Based on Astrocartography Astrocartography is the astrology of place. Shri Jyoti Star 10 and 9. Astro Gold is the professional-level astrology Android app that you have been waiting for! You asked for, and we have delivered, professional software on a mobile device. Explore the Impact of Planetary Alignments on Your Journey Today! As one of the largest astrology portals WWW. Astro Gold is the professional-level astrology Android app that you have been waiting for! You asked for, and we have delivered, professional software on a mobile device. For the professional astrologer, Astrocartography Relocation Reports can add another diminsion to the services you offer your clients. Professional astrology software program allows you to easily generate accurate horoscope charts with full-length reports. AstroMart calculates astrological charts and includes text analysis files, tables, graphics. Stellarium is a free, open-source planetarium software that enables you to easily look at any object in the night sky available for Linux, Windows, and macOS. Best for Learning: Time Nomad. In astrocartography, the natal chart is very important. mmmh. Astrology programs usually come bundled with an electronic atlas, allowing the review of the longitudes, latitudes, and time zone observance histories for. 00. Neptune represents zen, calmness, and a happy place. With high-quality horoscope interpretations by the world's leading astrologers Liz Greene, Robert Hand and other authors, many free horoscopes and extensive information on astrology for beginners and professionals, is the first. When you input your date, time and location of birth into Astro Dienst’s astrocartography chart calculator, you will be shown your astrocartography map. Time: 17. ) in your chart at birth. About Esoteric Technologies. Astro Gold for macOS is the latest in reliable and elegant astrology software for the Mac computer. The horoscope elements that compose the. As an astrologer, I uniquely specialize in this technique. Just curious about this, wondering if it's highly. The line of the Sun is very favorable professionally. 95. I use to. Languages. It sounds fun, but astrocartography is a complex field that requires a lot of analysis and. 00 (full 3. Yankee Robotics™ – Version 1. (in order of popularity/capability) : Solar Maps by Esoteric Technologies/Lehman Assoc - $199. In each of the next steps, select the appropriate city from the list offered. The main technique also known as A*C*G™, Astrocartography™, Astro*Carto*Graphy™, Astro-geography and Astro-Mapping, was originally pioneered by Brigadier Firebrace, and then later popularized by Jim Lewis. com) copy & paste my former explanation. 7th house/descendant (DC) This is the place of the astrology chart that focuses on intimate relationships and partnerships. AstroCartography, Relocation. ZET v. This software was designed and written by P. Hi causticx, it's because of 2 different methods of astrocartography calculation: including latitude (original Astro * Carto * Graphy method; default option on astro. Free astrology software program downloads for Windows and Mac OS X. Astro App is the first Astrology Software for the Web. My latest entries: Janus 6 -- a major new upgrade. He is best known for pioneering the technique of astrocartography, a form of locational astrology . In this chart, for 7 Sept 1959, 4:30 am, Pluto has latitude 11°47'N, Venus has 8°32'S, Mercury has 1°42N. It is somewhat like having a horoscope on a “map” that shows what types. Maps of. Astrology Software and Professional Astrology Programs, Reports, Books, Gifts, Jewelry, Education, Services by Astrolabe Inc. what steps do I need to follow to reinstall Sirius 2.